

  • Location:
  • I am looking for:
  • Zip Code:
    439 00
  • Age:
  • Height:
    5 ft. 6 in.
  • Body:
  • Ethnicity:
  • Education:
    Bachelors Degree
  • Job:
    Marketing Public Relations
  • Has Kids:


I'm sensitive, tender, affectionate lady who can listen and give a piece of advice. I know when it's necessary to keep silence and I can forgive when it's necessary. Also I'm loyal, sincere, purposeful, calm, but not lacking in emotions. I'm demanding both to myself and the people surrounding me. I like an order, I try to always keep it, but I let myself days of the absolute relax. My character is imperfect. I consider that every person is special with all his strengths and weaknesses, but one must always strive to improve himself. I'm open for the world, it's interesting for me to try everything new.

What I am looking for

My future spouse is as deep and passionate person as I am. He has attractive appearance and he lives healthy lifestyle. I want us to have the similar attitude to life and to relationship. I am sure a man should be reliable, caring, intelligent and has to have proactive attitude in life. He will be my shoulder to lean on; my life's anchor and I will be his source of strength and inspiration.